Cleansing Duo PG Normal to oily skin


Christmas time is all about treating those you love to something special that will make them smile, give the gift of beautiful skin with Yon-Ka Paris.
Gel Nettoyant

This ocean blue gel with its smooth and silky foam is perfect for all skin, but especially for oily skin. It cleanses and removes makeup from the face, eyes, and lashes, and purifies and reives the skin. Gentle and protective to the skins natural balance, it leaves skin supple, fresh, and comfortable

Lotion PG
Lotion Yon-Ka Invigorating Mist, is firm favourite with it comes to hydrating the skin, more than just a toner, this healing mist is a true Phyto-aromatic fountain of beauty, essential for re-balancing and preparing the skin for everyday beauty products. Alcohol-free, it refreshes, tones, and sanitises the skin, the energising effects of its essential oils can be felt throughout the whole body.  

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